How Literacy and Technology Transformed Lives in Anyama

May 4, 2024
In the beautiful town of Anyama, our educational initiative is changing lives of young people, driven by the dedication and passion of young learners like Sangaré Korotoum, Ziao Gnananman, Cisse Daouda, Sylla Fanta Zara, and Ziao Yahadjouman. These remarkable students have not only embraced the power of education but have also become beacons of hope and inspiration for their peers and communities.
Sangaré Korotoum, a bright 14-year-old student at Lycée Moderne d’Anyama, shares her journey of growth and learning at Impactful Education’s educational hub. She recalls the invaluable lessons learned in French, English, spelling, grammar, and even computer skills. She said that the library has been an incredible place to learn and encouraged her classmates to join her in exploring the wealth of knowledge available.

Similarly, Ziao Gnananman, who emphasizes the transformative impact of participating in Impactful Education’s programs during the summer. Through sessions on reading, French, English, and computer skills, Ziao strengthened his knowledge and skills. Ziao states that “The library has been an incredible place to learn.”

Cisse Daouda, with big dreams of becoming an engineer, expresses his gratitude for the diverse programs. Learning English, improving French, and mastering computer usage have become stepping stones toward realizing his aspirations.

Sylla Fanta Zara reflects on her decision to participate in Impactful Education’s program as a pivotal moment for personal growth. She never used a computer before and the library has opened new doors of opportunity in activities such as English, grammar, spelling, dictation, and is now inspired to have a career in STEM.

Lastly, Ziao Yahadjouman is happy to use the hub every day to help her with her learning and research to have a better grade in classes. She is also happy to be able to enhance her reading and comprehension skills. These inspiring stories underscore the profound impact of literacy and technology learning in transforming the lives of young learners in Anyama. Through dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to learning, these students are not only shaping their own futures but also contributing to the development and prosperity of their communities. As we celebrate their achievements, let us continue our support initiatives that empower youth and foster a culture of lifelong learning and growth.