Impactful Education Celebrates Major Milestone: Mandatory Weekly Library Class Introduced at Lycée Moderne d’Anyama

Sep 17, 2024

As the 2024-2025 academic year begins, and in an exciting new development for education in Anyama, Impactful Education has successfully collaborated with the principal of Lycée Moderne d’Anyama to introduce a mandatory one-hour weekly library class into the school’s curriculum. This initiative aims to reach more students and build a bridge between the educational hub and the classroom. This significant milestone marks a key achievement in the organization’s ongoing mission to enhance literacy and technology by providing students with access to crucial educational resources that will help them succeed beyond their academics.

Starting this academic year, every student at Lycée Moderne d’Anyama will participate in the weekly library sessions, which are designed to foster a love for reading, improve literacy skills, and introduce students to digital resources and modern technology such as coding, GIMP, and Microsoft Office. By making library classes part of the core curriculum, the school and Impactful Education aim to strengthen students’ academic development while promoting critical thinking and information literacy.

Katy Ballo, President and Founder of Impactful Education, expressed her excitement about the new program: “This is a major step toward our goal of making education more accessible and inclusive. The library class will give students the tools they need to thrive in an increasingly digital world, while also nurturing a love for reading and learning. We are incredibly grateful to the school principal and staff for supporting this initiative.”

The introduction of the library class is part of Impactful Education’s broader efforts to empower youth in marginalized communities by providing them with access to both literacy and technology resources. Through its partnership with Lycée Moderne d’Anyama, the organization continues to demonstrate how education can serve as a catalyst for positive change, inspiring the next generation of leaders in Ivory Coast.

With this new initiative in place, the students of Lycée Moderne d’Anyama will not only have access to a wealth of knowledge through books and technology but will also gain essential skills that will prepare them for the future.

Impactful Education looks forward to seeing the long-term impact of this program and plans to expand similar initiatives to other schools in the region. This success is a powerful reminder of the importance of community-driven efforts in creating lasting change in education.

📚✨ Bonne Année Scolaire 2024-2025 ! ✨📚

Alors que la nouvelle année scolaire commence, nous sommes ravis de continuer à former les jeunes de la commune d’Anyama dans notre hub éducatif ! Chez Impactful Education, nous nous engageons à garantir que chaque élève du Lycée Moderne d’Anyama ait accès aux ressources et au soutien éducatifs nécessaires pour réussir—que ce soit à travers nos programmes de littérature, de technologie, de leadership ou d’autonomisation des filles, que nous lancerons cette année scolaire.

L’éducation est la clé pour créer des changements positifs dans nos communautés. 🎓 Faisons de cette année scolaire une année remplie d’apprentissages, de croissance et de nouvelles opportunités ! 🚀 Restez à l’écoute pour savoir comment vous pouvez nous soutenir dans notre mission.