Igniting Digital Discovery in an 8-Week Summer Technology Program

Aug 31, 2024

Welcome to the exciting conclusion of our Technology part of the summer program at Lycee Moderne d’Anyama! This summer marked a significant milestone for 48 participants, as they navigated the digital world for the first time. Our 8-week program was designed to introduce these first-time computer users to the essentials of technology, equipping them with skills to become confident digital citizens.

The journey began with Tux Typing, where students learned the basics of keyboarding, setting a strong foundation for their future computer use. As their confidence grew, we introduced them to the world of coding with Scratch. This intuitive platform allowed them to create projects that reflected their understanding of community issues, turning abstract problems into interactive, visual stories and solutions.

GIMP opened a new avenue for creativity, with students using the graphic editor to design images that complemented their coding projects. They also discovered the power of PowerPoint, creating presentations that offered innovative solutions to challenges faced by their communities. These presentations were more than an academic exercise; they were a showcase of the students' ability to apply technology to real-world scenarios.

Throughout the program, the students' projects focused on topics that resonated with their daily experiences. They tackled local issues through their Scratch projects, bringing a personal touch to their coding endeavors. Their PowerPoint presentations became a platform for advocacy, proposing actionable solutions to improve their community's quality of life.

As we wrapped up the program, the students presented their final projects with pride. Their work—a blend of coding, graphic design, and presentations—was not just a display of their new technical skills but also a reflection of their journey from novices to capable users who can now see the potential of technology to drive change.

Our Technology Enrichment Program has been a transformative adventure, sparking a passion for technology in students who had never before used a computer. We are immensely proud of their accomplishments and the steps they have taken towards becoming agents of change in an increasingly digital world. Stay tuned for more stories from our program and join us in celebrating the bright future these young minds are forging!