Our Founder Highlights Education’s Role in Peacebuilding at the United Nations

Jul 1, 2024
Our founder and President, Korotoumou Katy Ballo, had the distinguished honor of participating as a guest speaker in the Joint Meeting of the Economic and Social Council and the Peacebuilding Commission at the United Nations. Representing the Major Group for Children and Youth, Katy engaged in critical discussions with global leaders, emphasizing the essential role of education in peacebuilding and sustainable development.

Drawing from her personal experiences of living through a civil war, Katy highlighted the significant impact organizations like Impactful Education have in transforming lives. She spoke passionately about our commitment to creating inclusive spaces where students, previously left behind, can now access free literacy and technology resources. This effort fosters an environment that promotes shared learning and inspires future leaders and peace champions.

Through her participation in this high-level meeting, Katy underscored the transformative power of education in building a more peaceful and sustainable world. Her discussion focused on how education can serve as a cornerstone for peacebuilding, addressing the root causes of conflict and contributing to the UN 2030 Goals for sustainable development.

Impactful Education remains dedicated to providing educational opportunities and nurturing young minds to become future leaders and advocates for positive change. We are proud of Katy's contributions to these global conversations and look forward to continuing our work in creating impactful educational spaces for our youth and contributing to the UN SDGs.