Djeneba Traoré’s Journey: From Struggling Reader to Passionate Advocate for Safe Migration

May 23, 2024
Djeneba Traoré, a bright and determined 16-year-old, embarked on a remarkable journey through our summer program that transformed her from a struggling reader into a passionate advocate for safe migration. Her story is a testament to the power of literacy and how a single book can ignite a profound interest in critical global issues.

At the beginning of the academic year, Djeneba faced significant challenges with reading and comprehension. Although she had always loved stories, her difficulties with reading often made her feel disconnected from the joy of books. Her apprehension was palpable as she joined our literacy activities after school, but her determination to improve and engage was evident.

The turning point in Djeneba’s literacy journey came with the introduction of the book "Le TONGHAN OU LES ÉCUEILS DE L'IMMIGRATION. TOME 1" by Mahoua S. Bakagnoko. This book, which addresses the dangers of clandestine migration, played a crucial role in her transformation.

Djeneba was captivated by the protagonist’s perilous journey in search of a better life, which resonated deeply with her own experiences of feeling uncertain about the future. The book’s powerful narrative provided Djeneba with a new perspective on migration, a topic she had not previously considered in depth.

Her interest in the issues surrounding clandestine migration grew as she delved into the detailed depiction of the risks and challenges faced by individuals seeking better opportunities abroad. She began to ask questions about migration policies, the reasons behind people’s decisions to leave their homes, and the consequences of such risky choices.

Through group discussions, Djeneba engaged in thoughtful conversations about the themes presented in Bakagnoko’s work. Her newfound knowledge about the dangers of clandestine migration fostered a deeper understanding of global issues and encouraged her to think critically about complex social problems.

Inspired by the book, Djeneba became an advocate for safe migration practices. She used her improved reading comprehension skills to research further on the topic and share her findings with her peers. Her journey from struggling reader to informed, passionate advocate was marked by her active participation in discussions and her efforts to raise awareness about the risks associated with clandestine migration.

Djeneba’s story is a powerful reminder of the transformative impact that literacy and education can have on young lives. Her journey from struggling with reading to becoming a passionate advocate for safe migration underscores the importance of providing students with access to diverse and meaningful reading materials.

Through her engagement with "Le TONGHAN OU LES ÉCUEILS DE L'IMMIGRATION. TOME 1," Djeneba not only improved her reading and comprehension skills but also developed a profound understanding of critical social issues. Her story exemplifies how literacy can empower students to explore important topics, advocate for change, and make a positive impact on their communities. We are proud of Djeneba’s achievements and look forward to supporting more students in their journeys of discovery through our literacy programs.