Introducing 125 New African Books

Jul 18, 2024
We are excited to announce a significant expansion of our library's collection, made possible through funding received from one of our supportive organizations. In collaboration with local authors, we have carefully selected 125 new books that align with our students' interests and experiences. These additions are a direct response to our students' desire to read more stories that reflect their own lives and cultures.

Our unwavering commitment to providing a diverse and representative library is a cornerstone of our educational mission. Recognizing the critical role of cultural relevance in literature, we have taken a major step to ensure that our students can find themselves within the pages of the books they read. The inclusion of works by 125 new African authors transforms our library into more than just a place of learning—it becomes a celebration of our students' identities.

The power of seeing oneself represented in the hub is immense. Encountering characters, narratives, and authors that mirror their own realities deepens students' connection to reading. It fosters a love for literature, bolsters self-esteem, and expands their worldview. With these new books, we aim to empower our students, affirming that their stories and voices are both valued and vital.

As we mark this milestone, our dedication to enriching our library continues. We strive to ensure it remains a source of knowledge and a reflection of our students' diverse experiences. We eagerly anticipate the joy and inspiration these books will instill in our students and the stimulating discussions and learning opportunities they will spark.

Stay tuned for more updates, and happy reading to all our students! If you are interested in supporting our efforts to bring more books by African authors to our hub, please click on the donation button to contribute to this initiative.