Reflecting on One Year of Impactful Education at Lycee Moderne d’Anyama

May 2, 2024
One year ago, Impactful Education embarked on its goals to provide free literacy and technology resources to young people in Ivory Coast, especially in Anyama. Last month, we celebrated our one-year anniversary of our hub opening at Lycee Moderne d’Anyama, reflecting on the progress made and the impact on students and teachers alike.

Since our establishment, we have been committed to not only providing access to educational resources but also implementing long-term strategies to ensure a sustainable impact. Our literacy coordinator has been instrumental in organizing a variety of literacy and linguistic activities tailored to students’ interests. These activities are divided into clubs, including a Linguistics Club where students learn English, Spanish, and German through engaging activities. Additionally, our French Club focuses on spelling, dictation, grammar, and the evolution of words, while our Book Club encourages roundtable discussions to enhance reading comprehension skills and public speaking.

In the space of technology, we faced initial challenges given that many students had never used a computer before. However, through a blend of theory and practice, we have successfully introduced students to essential computer skills such as typing using LibreOffice, mastering keyboard shortcuts, conducting research on Wikipedia, and engaging in educational games like TuxMath, TuxPaint, and TuxTyping.

Our hub has become a valuable resource for teachers seeking to enhance their lessons with the materials available. It serves as a repository for educational resources, enabling teachers to conduct research and plan lessons more effectively.

As we look back on the past year, we are proud of the impact our hub has had on the students and teachers of Lycee Moderne d’Anyama. Many of them did not have access to these resources before, and witnessing their growth and enthusiasm has been incredibly rewarding. We are excited to continue our mission of empowering young people through education and look forward to the continued success of our hub in the years to come.

To support our initiative of continuing to build educational hubs, please Donate Here.