EMPOWERING Our Communities to Transform

Our Mission

To create transformative ripple effects across communities, engaging youth as leaders and influencing positive change through the power of education.

Education Challenges in Ivory Coast

We are committed to transforming these figures through the establishment of our educational hubs.


56% Literacy rate of 6 - 16 years olds


70% Students in grade 6th to 8th who were unable to READ


5% Schools, have a functional Library

Our Recent Projects

Through innovative design and community-driven initiatives, we aim to cultivate a sustainable educational ecosystem that empowers individuals to reach their full potential.

Our Impact in Ivory Coast

Empowering Ivory Coast through education, catalyzing positive change for a brighter future.

Lives Impacted in Anyama

Books in our educational hub

Computers we have

Where We Work

We have been operating in Anyama, Ivory Coast, to support the town in overcoming challenges related to access to educational infrastructure.

Our Partners & Supporters

Our programs and activities have grown through partnerships with organizations and individuals who believe in our vision of using education to transform communities.  Impactful Education is continuously seeking partnerships with like-minded organizations for either financial or resource opportunities to help expand our reach. Thank you to all of our supporters who help make it all possible.

Education transforms our lives


Support our educational initiative and empower young people in rural communities with access to educational hubs, providing free literacy and technology resources and programs for a brighter future.